
Multiple Sclerosis 多發性硬化症 - 藉由醣質營養素獲得改善

Multiple Sclerosis
Improvements on Glyconutrients From Heather Anderson

My story and progress since commencing the Glyconutrients on 3 December 2002.

I had been diagnosed with Progressive MS back in 1977 and steadily lost ground until 1966 when my Doctor recommended I try a particular antioxidant. We not only introduced it but added four other ones. Within 3 months my MS was stabilized and I have a copy of a letter written by my Doctor in May 2002, addressed to the accident Compensation Corporation, stating my MS has been stabilized since 1996.  The abilities that I regained within those first three months were retained but I could not improve on them through to December 2002.  However in 1999 I had an accident and broke my left hip and after that thing went wrong.  To keep the story short 1 year after my hip replacement, the artificial one was removed never to be put back in because of a bone infection.  Loss of my hip joint has confined me to a wheelchair and I require assistance for all my transfers of position!  However all other aspects of my abilities had remained unchanged since 1996.

Since starting on Glyconutrients on December 3rd. 2002 I am certainly making some significant gains in my fight with MS and are listed

l       My practice walks on the gutterframe walker have improved by more than ten fold since I started on Glyconutrients. In November I would achieve anything between 9 and 35 “quality” steps out of walking 90 meters. Quality defined as being able to take my left foot well forward of the right foot, a normal step. To get counted the left foot comes through as far as the wheel of my walker. I can now do up to 701 quality step in a day with only 1 to 5 steps not qualifying to be counted.
l       I am gaining strength and can stand up much straighter than before.(still have to be supported). My side profile of my back, during transfers, used to be likened to a banana, now it is almost straight.
l       My bowel movements are now regular and the stools consistently good. I have not taken Lactulose (to prevent constipation) since April. Previously Lactulose was required daily and the dose often had to be adjusted in trying to keep the stools consistent.
l       My night time bladder control is better. November last, usually 3 times per night and occasionally twice, now most night I can sleep right through with the next most common requirement is a lift around 3 a.m. and rarely two lifts.
l       My daytime bladder control has improved and can now delay, after getting the first “urge”, up to an hour or more. Previously it was difficult to “hold” if one didn’t make for the toilet immediately. This is a big bonus!
l       I can sit up in the bath now and that was previously impossible.
l       I have Hydrotherapy twice a week and there have been noticeable increases in my leg movements e.g. I can lift my right knee almost twice as high as I could last December , is just one of a number of improvements.
l       My Sleep Apnea has gone, during 3rd month my Husband, Michael, noticed it was improving and he has not been able to observe any sign of it since the beginning of June 2003. He say that I now sleep quieter, without any heavy breathing, than I have for years and I now wake up feeling more refreshed. Back in December 2002 Michael had timed me for stopping breathing for up to 1 minute and 45 seconds followed by a huge gasp of air. I would breath heavily, almost a snore, for about a minute and then stop breathing again – he say it was quite scary to listen to.
l       I now have feeling in my left little toe, it had been numb for years.
l       My left leg and foot now “feels warm” and the skin surface temperature has improved. (touch only assessment, not measured). They have been cold for years, even in the Summer.
l       My left foot used to have to be strapped to the foot plate of my wheel chair to prevent it being lifted off during involuntary contractions. Sometimes my foot would become dislodged from the strapping. Since May we have been able to remove the strapping and it has not coming off the foot plate since then.
l       At night time while sleeping, both my legs would have involuntary contractions where the legs would bend and the knees would lift about 6 inches. That has ceased completely.
l       I can now shift my left leg in bed, Michael used to have to position it for me to get comfortable and the placement was critical as on occasions he would have to get out of bed to shift it ever so slightly for me to be comfortable.
l       After a transfer to the wheel chair I can position myself by pushing myself into the back of the seat. Previously Michael always had to give me assistance to get to the very back of the cushion by lifting me under the buttocks and pushing against my right knee with his knees.
l       When sitting in my wheel chair I can pick things up off the floor, previously impossible.
l       There are a number of activities that have significant improvements because of increased strength. Just too numerous to list but from Michael’s point of view the most important improvement is that I am “lighter” to transfer – not because I have lost weight but because I now contribute more to the lift because of my increased strength in my legs.
l       In September 2003 Michael noticed that a bone growth (identified by my Doctor as bone growth) on a vertebra in my mid back has shrunk to less than 1/2 of its previous size. It used to annoy me when sitting on any hard back chair.
l       February 2004, I successfully came off Diazepam that had been required to keep my leg from comfortable while lying in bed. The only drug I now use is Accupril for blood pressure and even that is half the dose that it used to be. (Achieved when on the anti-oxidants that I used to consume before switching completely to present regime – see below)
l       May 2004, I have just had a major “breakthrough” and I am so excited. Until now, my practice walks have required Michael to put pressure on the inside of my left calf to stop that foot from tucking in behind my right leg. I can now step through without any assistance from Michael. It requires considerable effort and it means my counting of the steps have had to start again The first morning was only 15 steps, 2nd day was 30 and then a 3 days gap and 70 steps for 2 mornings and this morning it was 123 steps. I am taking it carefully as it is a new experience for the muscles and I do not wish to over do it.

I am now in my 18th month of being on the Glyconutrients and although the improvements have slowed down I am still gaining. It is truly amazing and we are just so excited. I consume a “liberal” serving of Glyconutrients and 6 capsules of phytonutrients, 6 capsules of plant sterols and 3 of food matrixes vitamin/minerals, 9 capsules of the new combined glyconutrients and phytonutrients and 3 capsules of digestive enzymes daily. The reason for not disclosing the Glyconutrients consumption is that one should seek to find their own requirements. A good way to do that is to consume the “Label rate” for 2 weeks and if no significant improvements are not observed, double the consumption. Each 2 weeks repeat the process if until significant improvements a detected.

This testimony has been updated on  5 May 2004 by Heather Anderson

I trust that Heather’s progress will help to give you the encouragement to take the opportunity to see if you can gain benefits like Heather has. You may be astounded at the improvements that can be achieved by giving your body the tools contained in the Optimal Health Pack. They are designed to assist our bodies reach a state of optimal health. I will send you information on the Optimal Health Products later.

The reality is that we should all be consuming the Glyconutrients, We are all subjecting ourselves to a diet that just cannot deliver the eight essential sugars and phytochemicals that our bodies require for the maintenance of good health. You would be well aware that people can look and feel fine right up to the time of symptoms presenting themselves. e.g. One minute one can be outwardly fit and well and the next minute struck down with a heart attack. (60% of women who die from a heart attack, the attack was their first symptom! They never get a second chance). Believe me, I am not trying to use scare tactics, just showing you “how it is” and hoping that you will see the wisdom of considering the products for yourself and your family. As Dr. Reg McDaniel, Director of the Fisher Institute of Medical Research, say “If your heart is still beating, you should be consuming Glyconutrients and there are no exceptions.”

