
Multiple Sclerosis 多發性硬化症 - 醣質營養素使用見證函

多發性硬化症 Multiple Sclerosis / MS
A Personal Glyconutrients Testimonial Letter

The following letter was written to Jack who had introduced the writer,
Francis Connell to glyconutrients.
以下是 弗朗西斯 康奈爾 寫給糖質營養素使用介紹人傑克的信

Dear Jack,

I wanted to write to you concerning my product experience. You first introduced me to the Glyconutrients product line back in April 2002. I had actually contacted you regarding a business opportunity and when I found out that the business was just another natural products line I almost cut the conversation short. You see I had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in June of 2000 and even though I had been taking Beta-Serone(which is one of the approved MS drugs), most doctors agreed that the medication could slow down the progression of the disease but that ultimately I would succumb to the illness to permanent disability and then possibly death.


I have a younger sister back in Massachusetts who was diagnosed 6 years earlier and she is almost completely incapacitated. So when you started telling me of the health benefits of the glyconutrients and how they worked, I was still skeptical but willing to at least try them for 30 days since I had tried just about every alternative cure I could get my hands on. You see I had been taking the Beta-Serone for close to 2 years and my body was still getting weaker and weaker.


My first shipment was the introductory pack, which I started taking as soon as I got delivery. But I didn’t take them consistently! I followed the direction on the bottles but would take them for about 5 days, miss 2, take them for three day miss 1, etc. Finally, I ran out of product and didn’t think about re-ordering until about the 3rd day when I realized how weak and tired I was. I then re-ordered, only this time the glyconutrients bulk. I followed the instruction on the bottle and started feeling good again. But I wasn’t getting the results that I had been hearing about from other folks who had been suffering from MS.


Some time in August Jack notified me that there was a conference call specifically for folks who suffered from MS and that I should listen to it to find out how others were using the products. I sat in on the call and when I had the opportunity, I was able to ask why I was not getting the results that other MS folks were getting. I was then told that the recommended dosage on the glyconutrients was for healthy people to maintain optimum wellness, but that folks like me who had an autoimmune disease, that we needed to double the recommended dosage every 3 days until I reached a level where I felt strength and where I felt healthy.


It made sense to me so I kept doubling the amount from 1/4 tsp until I reached the point where I was at 4 tsp per day. WOW! What a difference. But I was STILL SKEPTICAL. So I stopped taking it for about 2 days and by the 3rd day I almost couldn’s get out of bed. It took me 3 days to get back to feeling good again.

我意識到了這一點,所以我持續加倍使用量,從1/4茶匙,一直到每天4茶匙 (16倍)。哇!多麼大的變化。但我仍半信半疑。所以我停止服用約2天,到了第3天,我幾乎不能下床。花了3天的時間才恢復。

But that’s not where things stopped. My neurologist, Dr Allen, who is very well respected in the northern Colorado area,  orders an MRI of the brain once every year. My last scheduled MRI was done in October of this year(2002). The last MRI I had was done in 2001 but I actually had one in Aug 2001 and one in October of 2001 bceause the one in Aug 2001 showed a huge increase in lesions on my brain many of which were active. Dr Allen was so alarmed that he ordered a new one in Oct just to see if he should re-diagnose me as Secondary Progressive MS so that he could change the protocol of my treatment. The October 2001 MRI showed the lesions were no longer active but that they had doubled in count.

事情還沒結束! 我的神經科醫師,艾倫博士,他在科羅拉多州北部地區,受到很高的推崇,每年為我預約了一次的腦部MRI(核磁共振攝影)。我最後排定的MRI是在102002年。而實際上,我最近完成的MRI是在20018月和10月,因為在 20018月的MRI顯示,我的腦部有大幅的病變增生中。艾倫醫生是如此震驚,所以他重新預約了在10月的MRI,藉以判斷是否應該重新診斷我為後續惡化型的MS,並改變既有療程之處置。 200110月的MRI顯示病變不再活躍,但在數量上卻增加了。

In October of 2002 when he got the results from my most recent MRI, he stared at the computer screen for a couple of minutes and turned to me and asked me what had changed in my life. When I asked why he told me that not only were there no new lesions since my last MRI but also the ones that were still there were shrinking! I told him about the Glyconutrients and he told me that he had 2 other MS patients who were taking the products and were also doing very well. But he got upset when I told him I was no longer going to be using the Beta-Serone at $1200 per month. He is convinced that I will eventually need to go back to Beta-Serone. Even though he saw the results with his own eyes, his training will not allow him to accept what Glyconutrients has done for me.


Today, 5 months after being on this level of Glyconutrients, I have my balance, energy and stamina back. My hands are not numb anymore. When my daughter bugs me to go walking with her, I can actually walk the 2 miles at a relatively brisk pace without losing who has ever been diagnosed with MS will totally understand what I’m talking about.


My goal now is to raise the money to get my sister Denise on the products because I want to see her walk again. On a side note, my girlfriend is no longer taking asthma medications ever since starting on the products and she is even more skeptical than I was. God bless Jack and Marea Kettler for being so persistent in bugging me about using the products. I am now an Associate in the company and gladly so. What started out, as an inquiry to make a part time income to help me prepare for a future in a wheelchair became the answer to a prayer to give me my life and my health back.



Francis X Connell

